
By using this website and/or the the information available on this website, you agree to the terms in this disclaimer.

Purpose of the website www.thedutchdachies.nl

The information on this website is exclusively meant as general information. You cannot assert any rights related to the information on this website. Although The Dutch Dachies takes care in curating and maintaining this website, we cannot guarantee that the provided information is accurate and current. The Dutch Dachies does not guarantee that the website will work without error and interruptions at all times. The Dutch Dachies disclaim any liability related to the correctness and accuracy of the provided information and the (uninterrupted) usage of this website.

Information, products and services from third parties

The Dutch Dachies may include links to third party websites. We accept no liability or responsibility regarding the content. Using third party links is solely at own risk. The information on third party websites has not been verified on accuracy, reasonableness or completeness by The Dutch Dachies.

Using information

All intellectual property rights and other rights regarding all information on this website (including texts, images and logos) are owned by The Dutch Dachies. It’s not allowed to copy, redistribute or in any other way publish any of the content without express written consent of The Dutch Dachies. You may download or print information from this website for personal use only.


We reserve the right to edit any content, including this disclaimer, without prior notice. It’s recommended to check if any of the contents, including this disclaimer, has been modified.

Applicable law

This website and disclaimer are governed by Belgian law. All disputes related to this disclaimer will be provided by exception to the applicable judiciary within the jurisdiction of The Dutch Dachies.